Martin Kohlbauer – A story of a genius Architect.

Stadtpark kindergarten - Architect Martin Kohlbauer

Imagine… what if you were a musician living in 2023 and you had the opportunity to meet, say, John Lennon? Ok, you would first need a time machine. Assuming you somehow shrug off this tiny snag, you’d still have to set the dials to the right place and time, try really hard not to land […]

Award-Winning NYC Preschools – An Interview with Architect Alexandra Barker

Mi Casita- Architcet Alexandra Barker

As an architect focused on the creation of innovative environments for children, I always look for inspiration in different places, and it’s important to me to learn about the planning of educational facilities around the world. On one of my searches for inspiration I came across Ms. Alexandra Barker, the principal of Barker Associates Architecture […]

Connections between the NY skyline and children-oriented architecture

So Far Away Another hot Israeli summer , and with COVID-19 still hanging around, it’s not clear when we’ll be able to fly anywhere. I look at the photos from my visit to NYC this past winter, a mere few weeks prior to COVID-19 breaking out there, and it now all seems so far away. […]