Photography: Einat Dekel



Educational Facility


120 sqm


Jerusalem, IL

This project was the leading project for the Unique Kindergarten Program, which is a program aimed at designing kindergartens innovatively so that they answer the needs of children in the 21st century. It was planned in collaboration with Tal Lerner. Consultants for the Market place project included The institute for democratic Education


The old design was dense with no quiet area. The new design replaces the space’s original design and creates three main spaces, each providing a different, important experience for children:


  • Market space – a space that encourages cooking, playing, and learning about healthy nutrition.
  • Quiet space – a multi-functional quiet area designed for learning, reading, quiet games, and reading, whether individually, in pairs, or one-on-one with the teacher. 
  • Play and motion space – it was important for the kindergarten’s teacher that the children be encouraged to move and be active. The play and motion space was designed to inspire the children to move, dress up, perform, imagine, and play.